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8th grade Heredity: Investigating Human Traits

How much variation is shown by the students in our class?
In class we looked at six different human characteristics-eye color, tongue rolling, finger crossing, PTC tasting, height and arm span-in oder to study human variation.

finger crossing

measuring arm span using a meter stick

measuring height

PTC tasting

sharing data

recording data
If a trait is not inherited, what else might cause it? Explain


  1. The person mom or dad has that trait hidden inside thier body.

  2. yay! am in 2 of the pictures. i was measuring christian's height and jaydien's armspan

  3. I disagree Ms.Lindsay. I did a lab on heredity. Actually a sperm cell has more components in it which hold the traits of the human being. When the cell is being used and a person is conceived the traits are being passed on. But you can get your traits from uncles aunts grandparents. But there can be other reasons. As I said traits are made when a sperm cell is being used and a person is conceived. But your traits can be made regularly. Like height, and growth. If you drink milk, bicycle,and eat banana you can make your own height. But eye color and skin color that come from parents, uncles and family members.

    7th grader yusuf khan
