The density of a substance is unique to that substance. So Scientists can use density to identify unknown substances. The density of water is 1g/mL. The density of water is used as a standard. If an object floats, it's density is less then 1g/mL. If an object sinks, it's density is greater than 1g/mL.

Based on your knowledge of density, what can you say about the densities of the soda cans? Compare the Pepsi can to the Diet Pepsi can.

DMV...Driving our way to successfully measuring density. Density is calculated using the following equation:

Based on your knowledge of density, what can you say about the densities of the soda cans? Compare the Pepsi can to the Diet Pepsi can.

DMV...Driving our way to successfully measuring density. Density is calculated using the following equation:
Density= Mass/Volume
The units of measurement are g/mL or g/cm3 (cubic centimeters).
Remember 1mL=1cm3
I say that the pepsi can has more density. Volume and mass. In my knowledge pepsi has more components in it than diet pepsi which causes more density in the pepsi can. Hence the word Diet. The less sugar, sodium and transfat make the diet pepsi lighter hence the er than pepsi.Also ms. Lindsay we don't have homework right
ReplyDeleteYusuf Khan 721
Yusuf, you will always have HW in Science. Your HW assignment is to start working on your measurement lab report that is due on Friday. In the future, please refer to our class page for HW questions.
ReplyDeleteBased on my knowledge of density, I can say that the pepsi can has a density of more than 1g because it is sinking, and an object only sinks when it's density is more than 1g. The Diet Pepsi cans has a density of less than or exactly 1g, because it is floating higher than the pepsi can.
ReplyDeleteYusuf, what is "er than" and you should really watch your grammar. Also, Mrs. Lindsay said we ALWAYS have homework.
ReplyDeleteThe pepsi does have more density that the diet pepsi. The pepsi also has more volume and mass than the diet pepsi.
ReplyDeleteThania Hussain class 721:
ReplyDeleteWell, according to the experiment we did in class the Pepsi sank to the bottom of the tank because it had more sugar,and sodium than the Diet Pepsi. This is what caused it to be more dense. The Diet Pepsi on the other hand, did not sink but it floated because it had less sodium, and no sugar than the Pepsi can.
I agree with Yusuf. The sugar in the regular pepsi was more than the sugar in the diet pepsi. When we were comparing the regular pepsi with the diet pepsi, the regular pepsi had 41 grams of sugar and the diet pepsi had 0 grams of sugar. Also the regular pepsi had 150 calories, while the diet pepsi had 0 calories. The cans had the same amount of liquid [355 ml], but the regular pepsi had more coponents in it, like Yusuf said.
ReplyDeleteHema R. 721
The regular can of pepsi has more than 0 calories, and sugars. The regular can is also 30mg in sodium. the color of the can is blue. the diet pepsi has 0 cals,and sugars. this can has 35mg of sodium.the similarities are that the two cans have 12fl. oz. which is 355mL. both have 0g. of protien and fat.
ReplyDeleteKirandeep: Diet Pepsi flaots because it has less mass then Regular Pepsi. Diet Pepsi's density is 1 g/ml thats why it float when smerged in water as on the other hand Regular Pepsi sank because the density is greater then 1g/ml , water's density.
ReplyDeleteBe careful with your units of measurement. When expressing density, the units of measurement are g/ml or g/cm3. If you use grams, you are only referring to mass not density.