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7th grade Geology: Landforms

Identify the following landforms:





How do different landforms affect the economic development of a community?


  1. A. Fault-Block Mountain
    B. Folded Mountain
    C. Plain
    D. Plateau
    E. Upwarped Mountains
    F. Volcanic Mountains

  2. A. Fault-Block Mountains
    B. Folded Mountains
    C. Plain
    D. Plateau
    E. Upwarped Mountains
    F. Volcanic Mountains

  3. A.Fault-Block Mountain- mad of huge tilted or shifted blocks of rock that are seperated from surrounding rock by faults.
    B.Folded Mountain- rock layers are folded like a rug
    C.Plain- large flat areas.
    D.Plateau- flat raised areas of land with horizontal rocks that were uplifted.
    E.Upwarped Montain-formed when blocks of Earths crust are pushed up by forces inside Earth.
    F.Volcanic Mountain- formed when molten materials reaches the surfice through a weak area of crust.

  4. A. Fault - Block Mountains
    B. Folded Mountain
    C. Plain
    D. Plateus
    E. Upwarped Mountain
    F. Volcanic Mountain

  5. I dont want to be rude but 721 how can you put an answer like that. That doesnt answer the question Mrs.Lindsay is asking. Maybe the first part but not second.

  6. Landforms affect the economic development of a community because the Landform(S) that a community has, that is the landform they will have to cope with. Based on what landform a community has that is how there lifestyle would be. There are many resources that a community can get from a landform. It affects there lifestyle because of the animals that graze on the landform the living conditions and how fertile or good the land is too crop. These reasons can affect a community economically because those reasons are what they are thriving on, it can make them successful or poor. Just like we learned in social studies. The lifestyle and economy of a tribe are based on the area or habitat they have. That's why the landform in a community affects the economy in that community.

  7. my answer to the first question ia A Fault-Block Mountain,B Folded Mountain,C Plain,d Plateau,E Upwarped Mountains,F Volcanic Mountains
    and different landform affet places in different economic ways because they may have economical values such as some mountains may be use to build ski resorts, due to some steep slopes that are good for skiing.

  8. A.Fault-Block Mountains
    B.Folded MOuntain
    E.Upwarped Mountain
    F.Volcanic Mountain

    Each lanfrom affects its environments in differents ways. For example, a volcanic moutain can increase the land surrounding it with the molten lava. The lava can also burn crops and living organisms living near the volcanic mountain. A plain can help the living organisms living in the plain because the animals can graze on the grass and crops can be grown without being destroyed by lava.

  9. A: Fault-Block Mountains
    B: Folded Mountains
    C: Plains
    D: Plateaus
    E: Upwarped Mountains
    F: Volcanic Mountains

    Different landforms effect the economic development in different ways. Coastal or interior plains could be a very good place to have a farm. Around fault-block mountains, there probably are many earthquakes so a lot of the city's/state's money may go into building/road damage repairs. Some volcanic mountains are still active so if they erupt, many buildings could be ruined. Lots of places are graced by having locations that tourists like to visit on their land. More tourists means more money from hotels, restaurants, and more. A good thing about plateaus is that their high elevation protects the life on it from floods meaning not much money goes into fixing flood damages. There are many more ways landforms effect economic development.

  10. A. Fault-Block Mountains
    B. Folded Mountains
    C. Plains
    D. Plateaus
    E. Upwarped Mountains
    F. Volcanic Mountains

    Different landforms effect economic development of a community in different ways.
