Science Mecca

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Measuring Mass

How do we read a triple beam balance?
Click on the below link to practice reading a triple beam balance:

Yankee Day at MS217


Measuring with Straws

Were we able to measure the area of our desks accurately with straws? Why? Why not?

Calculating Volume

water displacement (Archemedes' Principle)

How do we calculate the volume of a regular shaped object?
How do we calculate the volume of an irreugalr shaped object?
Why is displcement often refer to as the "bathtube" method?


The Metric System

What are the advantages of using the Metric System oppose to the English system?
Why is it taking the US so long to fully convert to the Metric System?
How is the International System (SI) different from the Metric System?


What would life be like without standard units of measurement?

What scientific instruments are used to measure the following (also indicate the standard units of meaurement):
1. temperature
2. mass
3. volume (capacity)
4. distance/length
5. time


Science Fair Projects

What type of investigation would you like to conduct for your Science Fair Project?
Controlled Investigation (experiment)
Field Investigation
Secondary Research Investigation (study)
Design Investigation (Innovation)


Virtual Lab: How does the amount of light affect the rate of photosynthesis in aquatic plants?

What is the reverse process of Photosynthesis?
How did we determine the rate of photosynthesis of the aquatic plants?

What type of environment do Red Isopods prefer?

Identify all the variables (independent, dependent, extraneous, constants, control) in this controlled experiment?
Describe the structure of an isopod. What is an exoskeleton? invertebrate?

The Scientific Method

What is the first step of the Scientific Method?
Is there only one version of the Scientific Method?
How can we use the Scientific Method to think critically?

What is Science?

Science is.......
Science is all around us. It is a body of knowlege that is constantly being revised and added to with observations and critical thinking. By studying and questioning the world around us, we are ALL Scientists and we can ALL make a difference.
What are the characteristics of a Scientist?

Lab Safety

What are the Dos and Don'ts of Mrs. Lindsay's Science Lab?

The Mystery Box

What is an observation?
What is an inference?
How did you identify the items in the mystery boxes?